When a library item is checked out to "Patron A" another patron, "Patron B" can see that the library has the item and get in line to borrow it next. This process is called a "Hold." When the library checks the item back in, or if "Patron A" attempts to renew the item, a warning message comes up on the library's system that the item is on "Hold" for "Patron B."
If you would like to use a book that is checked out to another patron, you can place a hold and then you will receive an email notice that the book is ready once the current user has returned it. They won't be able to renew it.
This means that it could still be a month until the book is available for you, since they'll still get to use it for the regular check-out period. So if you need the book right away, you can use our Interlibrary Loan Service (ILL).
Watch this brief video tutorial on how to place a "hold" online:
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