The quick answer (as of June 2021) is that Chrome is available but Firefox is no longer available (it used to be).
VDOT employees are allowed to use Chrome or from their VDOT computer without special approval. But you do have to ask the VITA Customer Care Center (VCCC) to install the browser you want.
Chrome and generally ranks far higher in market share, performance and usability Microsoft Edge, but VITA is encouraging users to rely more on Edge.
The entire process may take a business day (or just a few hours) to complete, but the actual installation takes only seconds.
How do I request Chrome?
1. From your VDOT computer, go to Gmail, open the address book and type: Software. You should see in the address book an entry called ""
2. Submit your request explaining what browser you want installed and VITA will take it from there. The actual email is if you want to use that.
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