Answered By: Ken Winter
Last Updated: Nov 05, 2019     Views: 95

The magazine "Civil Engineering" is a popular title that unfortunately is NOT included in VDOT's subscription to the ASCE Library database. A list of journals available through the subscription is at: 

The good news is we have another option that can help VDOT employees find and get full text articles from "Civil Engineering." 

We have an almost complete run of "Civil Engineering" from 1962-present in print form on our shelves and we can scan and send VDOT employees any articles they are interested in. 

If you need an index or a way to "browse" the contents of that magazine, we have another database called Business Source Corporate Plus that can help you accomplish that.  

Business Source Corporate Plus contains thousands of journals, some offering full text article access, others indexing only. The good news is that it can help VDOT employees get articles from Civil Engineering!  Here's how: 

1. VDOT employees can go here: to browse articles by publication date from 1990-present. 

2. Most articles should be available in full-text format for immediate download.

3. Some may not be available. If you want full text of an article that is not accessible click on the "Request This Item" link, fill out the online form and the library will receive an e-mail with your request. 

4. We'll pull the issue you need from our shelves, scan the article and sent it to you free of charge.