Answered By: Ken Winter
Last Updated: Mar 07, 2024     Views: 115

The VDOT Research Library now provides access to over 12,000 subscription EBooks from vendor EBSCO. These books are great because they are simultaneously available to all VDOT employees (the collections we have are EngineeringCoreBusinessCore and Harvard Business Review).

Key benefits of EBSCO EBooks you can use them as long as you need them, and you can either read them on screen using Adobe Digital Editions software, or download them to your personal device. There are three ways you can typically start using EBSCO Ebooks:

  1. First, when you find an Ebook you're interested in, go to the title and click on either "PDF Full Text" or "EPUB Full Text" depending on your preference and format availability (some books offer PDF, some EPUB, some both!) to start reading the Ebook on screen right away.
  2. You can also "download" the Ebook onto your computer. PDF (if available) is generally recommended for desktop and laptop comptuers, EPUB (if available) is generally recommended for mobile devices. This option requires the VDOT user to require create a My EBSCOhost account (which is free) and sign into My EBSCOhost by following these simple steps.
  3. EBSCO has also released an updated mobile app (for Apple devices, Android coming soon), which also requires the creation of a My EBSCOhost account.


Note: Some EBSCO eBooks offered by VDOT do not have DRM (Digital Rights Management) restrictions. These eBooks do not require you to sign into My EBSCOhost to download them. In addition, no Adobe® ID or special software such as Adobe Digital Editions is necessary to download and read them.

To learn more go to the Checking Out and Downloading EBSCO eBooks on a Desktop Computer.

For general support questions please contact Ken Winter 434-962-8979.  For technical questions please contact EBSCO Technical Support 800-758-5995.