The library will occasionally receive calls from Virginia citizens and motorists at large looking to report a road condition problem or hazard or with some other related question or complaint to "Someone at VDOT". They may not know who the right person to contact is or they may have tried looking up or Googling VDOT and the VDOT Library just so happens to be the first point of contact they were able to find.
Often times the library can simply route their question to the "best" person or office at VDOT suited to help, but it is also possible for anyone to report a problem directly using VDOT's automated online customer service interface called myVDOT.
myVDOT allows anyone to request road repairs, request things be removed from a roadway, report signs or guardrails in need of repair, report issues with sidewalks or bike paths and much, much more through a simple online tool. All you need to do is simply select your problem or enter a question, indicate the location you are concerned about, leave your contact info and other important details if necessary and you're off! You can check the status or follow up on a previous request. You can also find plenty of other helpful links and other ways to get in touch with VDOT.
Here are a couple of important things to keep in mind when considering using myVDOT: