Answered By: Ken Winter
Last Updated: Oct 31, 2024     Views: 11

In a word, no.

We have configured the interface for Engineering Workbench to default to a search/display of the standards in VDOT's Paid Subscriptions, which includes ONLY the 272 standards included in the TR42 Committee Collection from TIA, and 3 standards issued by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Since Accuris is the ONLY authorized reseller of these standards, Engineering Workbench is the only way we could provide VDOT employees direct access.

To avoid confusion, we customized the search screen to limit searches to "VDOT Paid Subscriptions" as shown below: 

Screen shot showing the Engineering Workbench search box, which focuses only on "VDOT Paid Subscriptions"

However, users who click the "Advanced Search" function may stumble upon a way to look up hundreds of thousands of standards from other organizations, including AWS, AASHTO, ASTM, ASCE and more: 

Screen shot showing the Engineering Workbench "Advanced Search" feature.

The Bad News: Those and other standards are NOT available in full-text in Engineering please don't look there! 

The Good News: They may be available in another library subscription, such as ASTM Compass, Knovel, or ASCE Library so try one of those databases if that makes sense, or contact the library for support. 

The Best News of All: We routinely deliver standards less common standards one-at-a-time to in VDOT employees.

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