Answered By: Barb Neyman
Last Updated: Jun 29, 2021     Views: 157

You can easily renew your checkouts by going to My Checkouts through the library catalog.  To see how, check out this brief video tutorial!

Of course, we're here to help you, so if you're not into DIY, you can either email us at and ask us to renew your items, or reply to the overdue notice e-mail you may have received with a request to renew.

Note: Lending periods for "Interlibrary Loan" items are set by the libraries we borrow from. With ILL items we're asking another library if we can borrow their stuff, so we want to abide by their checkout periods, right?

Some libraries permit renewals of ILLs, others may grant us a longer lending period but they might not permit renewals. We are always happy to request renewals of Interlibrary Loan items

...but please understand that we must have Interlibrary Loan items returned to us as soon as possible if our request for a renewal is denied, OK?

Contact or call 434-293-1902 if you have any questions about renewals.