Answered By: Barb Neyman
Last Updated: Jul 08, 2022     Views: 166

Follow the steps below to check out an item "remotely" from the VDOT Research Library. You will need to register for a Virtual Library Card first, which you can do here. Confused? Check out our FAQ on registering for a Virtual Library Card.

Or, get started with this brief video tutorial: 

Here are the "steps" laid out in sequence: 

Step 1: After logging in to the VDOT Research Library catalog with your card, search for an item you are interested in:

Screen capture showing virtual checkout step 1.

Step 2: Click on the title of the item you would like to borrow to see the full record:

Screen capture showing virtual checkout step 2.

Step 3: Check to be sure the item is "circulating" and to be sure a copy is "available" then click the shopping cart icon:

Step 4: A dialog box opens presenting you with check out options. Select your delivery method (if the library is closed due to COVID-19 please use "Ship this item to me...") add your mailing address and/or a note, and click "Check out Item."

Screen capture showing virtual checkout step 4.

Step 5: You should see a confirmation that your request has been sent. The library will update you in 2-5 business days:

Screen capture showing virtual checkout step 5.


NOTE: I see an icon with a green arrow (below) not a shopping cart. What can I do?

This means the item is already checked out. In the example above it is due back 5/24/2021 and you can "place a hold" by clicking on the icon to be next in line when it is returned.

To place a hold, follow these steps:

1. Click this icon

2. Specify a "Cancel date" for the hold to expire and click the "Hold item" button